Thursday, November 5, 2009

Balcony Renovation / Expansion Conceptual Drawings

One of the major projects that we've been focusing on lately is the renovation and expansion of the existing balcony area. This is the first set of conceptual drawing from our architect, Eddie Santamaria of Contrivium.

Areas directly underneath the balcony will also be addressed. This includes the restrooms and concession area.

An additional restroom is needed on the main floor. This issue will be addressed at the same time as the expansion of the balcony.

The balcony will be extended an addition 10 feet in order to seat an additional 104 upstairs.

This view shows the graceful curve of the balcony extension. Every effort is being made to blend any new work into the existing architecture.

A view of the expanded balcony from the stage.

This is the view of the stage from the top row of the balcony. These could become the best seats in the house!

An overall view of the balcony extension in relation to the overall theatre. Wow!

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